What is Myofascia?
It comes from the Greek word "myo" meaning muscle and "fascia" meaning band. Fascia is a 3-D body stocking like a spider's web or fishing net. Fascia weaves it way throughout the body and supports all muscles, organs and bones. A good example of Myofascial would be when you remove the skin from a chicken breast; the white filmy tissue underneath the skin is Myofascia and, in a living, state is very strong.
Check out the YouTube link to explain further.
How does Myofascia affect me?
In a healthy state the Myofascia is relaxed and soft. It can stretch and move without restriction. It helps maintain good posture, range of motion and flexibility. It also gives our body's tremendous strength and helps us deal with excessive stress and injuries.
When we experience physical trauma or inflammation the Myofascia loses is pliability. It can become tight, restricted and can bring a source of tension throughout the body. Trauma, such as a fall, whiplash, emotional trauma, surgery or habitual poor posture has a cumulative effect over time. The fascia will lose its pliability and can become hard, dehydrated and stuck. Fascia responds to stress by laying down extra fibres. This creates thickening and adhesions both through and between the muscles. This can lead to restrictions and limitations of movement and poor tissue health.
Myofascial Release (MFR)
This is a hands-on manual therapy that uses gentle sustained pressure. Each pressure lasts for 2-5 minutes to allow the fascia to elongate and restore to a healthy position. Myofascial massage is aimed at everyone.
MFR treats the root of the problem, not just the symptoms. The moves work deeply at the fascia level to free not only the physical restrictions, but also the associated emotions. Benefits include decreased pain, restoration of motion, relaxation of the mind and body.
The treatment is as follows: -
You will receive a consultation then lie face down on the couch. No oils will be used
I will place my hands on your lower back and start with a gentle sacral release. I will come off slowly and see and feel where the next pressure should be placed. The fascia may take the treatment up the back, down the leg and or across the glutes.
There is no set routine as everybody is individual and the fascia needs to be released on its own format for you.
I can use other movements to help with the fascia one being unwinding. This allows the fascia to unwind in a nonintrusive way.
End my treatment with my hands under your head for a cranial base release
Treatments are 30min to 60 mins.
Benefits and contra-indications
Myofascial Release can benefit clients with following conditions:
Back Pain
Pelvic Pain
Neck Pain
Sports Injuries
Disc Problems
Disc Problems
Neurological Dysfunction (Epilepsy & Bell's palsy)
Physical Stress
Psychological Stress
Postural Irregularities
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Jaw Pain (Temporomandibula Joint Disorder)
Frozen Shoulder
Poor Posture
The benefits of Myofascial Release can
reduce muscle spasms
improve joint movement
decrease muscle and fascia tension
reduce in chronic recurring injuries
help individuals who suffer from stress
Myofascial Release should not be used if the client has an unstable medical condition or any of the following: Cancer, Open wounds, Acute Inflammation, Infection (Systemic or localised), Haemorrhage, Recent Fractures, Severe Osteoporosis or advanced degenerative changes, Acute Rheumatologic conditions, Hyper-mobile joints, Thrombosis, Anti-Coagulant therapy, Cellulitis, Obstructive Oedema, Osteomyelitis, Fever, Advanced Diabetes, Skin Hypersensitivity
What does a Myofascial Release treatment feel like?
The therapist applies pressure with no oils either directly on the skin or over a towel. The pressure can range from very gentle to very deep. The pressure will never be beyond your tolerance. Some clients experience a slight skin burning sensation in the skin. This is perfectly normal and safe. Some may feel a gentle to deep stretch on the area being treated. Others feel a wave or swilling motion. But all clients comment on how relaxed they feel afterwards.
Myofascial release techniques have a very detoxifying effect on the body so as a client you are advised to drinking plenty of water for the next 3 days not just the normal 24 hours. It is also best to avoid any caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and any strenuous exercise for 24 hours and try to rest and allow your body to heal from within.